千之 ナイフ Senno Knife

松本零士/牧美也子のアシスタントを経て1981年デビュー。80年代美少女まんが、少年漫画、青年漫画、少女漫画~90年代ホラー漫画から最新作描きおろし、異国が舞台の大河ロマンR18作品に至るまで、ありとあらゆるジャンルで一貫して「妖しく怪しい世界」を発表しつづけている。筆は遅いですががんばります!キテネー!! https://tyrellsha.fc2.xxx

Senno Knife (Japanese Manga artist) Mastered the art of manga through his past experience of being an assistant to Leiji Matsumoto and his wife, Miyako Maki, he debuted in 1981. Through 80’s “Bishōjo Manga”,”Shōnen Manga”, “Seinen Manga”, “Syoujo Manga”, 90’s “J-Horror Manga”, from adult to youth, male to female, Senno set his bar high against the world, continuing to draw his own Senno style aesthetic, beauty, delusional, and dark humor manga. “I can’t wait to participate for the first time in a while!” (For international customers, please place your order as soon as possible!)
